What I’m Focusing On This Winter
What I’m Focusing On This Winter
Intentions for the start to the new year.
Every year since launching A Good Home, my business has gotten busier and busier.
And while I’ve always had a decent routine and the right “tools”, the busyness this year came at the cost of my health and personal life more than it ever has. And, it came to a head after catching a rough case of COVID in December that took me out for several weeks. That down time really created a pause that I had needed but neglected to give myself, and forced me to evaluate the not-so-insert word habits that I fell into this year.
Although I love that we’re all steering away from unattainable or unrealistic resolutions, I also love leaning into the optimism that the new year brings to identify things that didn’t work the previous year and the things we want to build upon in the new one.
I find that creativity starts with a positive mindset, and I'm all about approaching my day in a way that allows me to be at my best in work and play. Everyone has different things that work for them, but I always find it inspiring to read about what works for others. So today, I’m sharing what I’m focusing on this winter.
OUT: Excuses and rules
IN: Movement, meditation, and walks outside
I’ve always been an early riser, and for a long time, an early morning workout and meditation was part of that morning routine. But somewhere along the way, I developed this unfair (not to mention unsustainable) “rule” that if I didn’t get my workout/meditation done at 4am (!), then it wouldn’t or couldn’t happen. So, rather than allowing myself the thirty minutes or forty-five minutes sometime throughout the course of the day, I denied myself the opportunity to move- all in the sake of being “productive”. Boo to that. Now, with sleep being such an important aspect of feeling better, I’m relinquishing myself of that 4am rule, and giving myself the freedom of movement whenever it works for me.
Get Moving
Everything I love to get me moving (and meditating!).
OUT: Reliance on takeout and convenience foods
IN: Getting back in the kitchen, Fueling my body with nourishing foods
I have to apply some of my own advice that I often share with my organizing clients- it comes down to being disciplined and committed to the practice. In my own case, it’s changing my mindset on cooking (i.e., viewing it as something other than a chore). Sometime in the not-so-distant past I actually cooked most of the meals in my home, but that’s been replaced by my husband (who I must admit is a better cook than me). However, in a household with two working professionals and unregulated schedules, it’s not realistic that just one of us can carry the burden of cooking every night. So, I’m getting back in the kitchen and having fun with it!
Good Eatin’
Beautiful + functional kitchenwares
OUT: Working late, a non-existent wind down routine
IN: PM down-time, a solid wind-down routine
A good wind down and sleep routine is my achilles heel. I’m applying “stop” times, and incorporating more wind down activities that make me feel good and set me up for a good night’s rest (and morning!).
Quality Zzz’s
A solid combo for a restful night’s sleep
OUT: Robotic, rushed routines
IN: Doing things for myself because it feels good
The other day, I had a manicure for the first time since 2019; Not because I haven’t been able to find the time to get a manicure in the past three years, but because I simply didn’t value the joyful feeling that comes out of doing something for yourself. More manicures in 2023, please. Moreover, I tend to view my shower and daily routines (like skincare) more as a utilitarian necessity and less as a leisure activity. I’ll be changing that this year, too.
Get Glowing
Turn the daily routine into an oasis
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